With an aim to spread awareness about cancer, Dr. Nischal N, Senior Surgical Oncologist at one of the best cancer clinic in Bangalore, Dr Nischal N Cancer Clinic, shared that when it comes to cancer, sometimes the simplest questions remain unresolved. With an aim to spread cancer awareness among people, he answered important questions related to cancer, which people often think about, to help people better understand this serious disease.

Cancer FAQs with Dr. Nischal N

What is A Cancer?

Dr.Nischal N Cancer explained that is a complex disease that occurs when cells in the body begin to grow uncontrollably and invade surrounding tissues. Normally, cells grow and divide in a controlled manner, but in cancer cells, this process goes awry and cells can divide and grow rapidly and uncontrollably.

Who Gets Cancer?

Anyone can get cancer, although the risk of cancer increases with age. Your individual cancer risk depends on factors such as smoking, lifestyle (such as what you eat and how much exercise), your family history of cancer, and the presence of carcinogens in your workplace and environment.

How Does Cancer Start?

Healthy cells in the body grow and divide in a controlled manner, in response to signals from the body. However, when a genetic mutation or abnormality occurs, the cells may begin to divide and grow uncontrollably, leading to the formation of a mass of abnormal cells, known as a tumor.

What Are The Symptoms Of Cancer?

Dr. Nischal N explained that the symptoms of cancer can appear in many cases, but not always. Symptoms of cancer generally depend on where the cancer is located and how big it is. Some common symptoms of cancer are as follows:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Pain
  • Skin changes
  • Changes in urinary habits or bladder function
  • Delay in wound healing
  • Unusual bleeding or discharge
  • Lump or bulge in any part of the body
  • Indigestion or trouble swallowing
  • Recent change in the wart or mole Frequent coughing or hoarseness

Is There a Vaccine for Cancer?

There is no vaccine for cancer. But there are vaccines for some viruses known to cause cancer, such as human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis B.

HPV can cause cancer, and getting vaccinated against it can help protect against the types of HPV that can cause cancers of the cervix (cervical cancer), rectal (rectal cancer), throat and throat, along with some other forms of cancer.

What Are The Stages of Cancer ?

Cancer can be staged in different ways depending on the type of cancer, but generally, cancer is categorized into four stages:

Stage 0: This is sometimes called carcinoma in situ. In this stage, the cancer cells are confined to the site where they first formed and have not spread to nearby tissues.

Stage 1: At this stage, the cancer is still localized to the primary site and has not spread to nearby lymph nodes or other organs.

Stage 2: In this stage, the cancer has grown and may have spread to nearby lymph nodes, but it is still contained within the same general area of the body where it first developed.

Stage 3: At this stage, the cancer has spread to nearby tissues, lymph nodes, or organs.

Stage 4: This is also known as metastatic cancer, where the cancer has spread to distant organs or tissues.

The staging process helps doctors determine the extent of the cancer and the appropriate course of treatment. The stage of cancer can also affect the prognosis and outcome of the disease. However, it's important to note that staging can vary depending on the type of cancer, and not all cancers are staged in the same way.

What is Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy?

Dr Nischal N said that Chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. But chemotherapy drugs can also damage healthy cells, leading to side effects of treatment. Newer drugs, called targeted drugs, block genes or proteins found in cancer cells. Targeted therapy usually causes less damage to healthy cells, but still has side effects. Immunotherapy uses hormones and other drugs that work with your immune system to treat cancer.